澳大利亞 維多利亞州十二使徒岩The Twelve Apostles


十二使徒岩The Twelve Apostles





















Great Ocean Rd & Booringa Rd, Princetown VIC 3269澳洲



1.How many apostles are there?

*There has always only ever been 9 and in 2016

one of the collapsed so now only 8.

*Less than 9,there were never 12

*There are eight. The ninth collapsed in July 2005.

*As many as there are hours in the am

*There are 7, I live here and I know for a fact that there’s currently 7, not 8, not 9, but 7.

*8, but there were 12 at some point, the most recent collapse happened in 2005.

*here has been 12 but some of them have collapsed and the ninth fell in 2005 july

*there used to be 12 but 4 collapsed overtime only leaving 8

*There is five

*There are nine

*Soon there will be none

*No they have eroded away over the centuries and the last few will be gone in *some dozens of years

*Just because something is not there anymore doesn't mean it loses its name

*Earlier it was 12 but now its 8 because of the erosion. Its worth to take a visit


*If you're asking about the rock formations then there are no actual individual names for them. If you're asking about the biblical figures that accompanied Jesus through his journeys then they were: Peter (born Simon) Andrew, brother of Peter James, son of Zebedee John, brother of James, son of Zebedee Philip Bartholomew Thomas Matthew James, son of Alphaeus Judas Thaddeus, also known as Jude Simon the Zealot, also known as Simon the Canaanite Judas Iscariot 

*More stacks will form over time as the area erodes.



2.will it open on Christmas day

*Never closed Kiosk not open today but will be again tomorrow


3.would they still be their in 20 years time?

* I think some of them would be down. Well...better to visit there earlier.

* Given enough time, all mountains, however majestic or insignificant, have to fall.    *Out of the 12 few are already gone. 20 years is    long time.

* This place is very changeable it is worth visiting as soon as posible.

* We were there 35 years ago and there were 12. Now there is only 8 still standing. *The others have gone to heaven.

*As the rock is form by limestone... Most likely not...

*Maybe.How fast the weird the climate changes now, who knows how fast it will disappear. If I were you don't wait for 20 years, might as well visit now. 100% your memories will last 20 years...

*May be not... Maybe new ones will be formed.


4. Do you have to pay to park/do the walk to see The Twelve Apostles or is it free? Also, is it open 24 hours, or does it close a certain time?

*Free for everything except food and souvenirs. There are no gates blocking the walkways and it is open 24 hours.

*It's all free ,but it tends to get busy between 10am to 1pm

*There is a free car park on each spot along the Great Ocean Road, included at the 12 apostles spot. You have not to have a guide except the Guide Du Routard or else one.


5. how long have they been their for

* The Twelve Apostles is a collection of limestone stacks off the shore of the Port Campbell National Park, by the Great Ocean Road in Victoria,Australia. Their proximity to one another has made the site a popular tourist attraction. There are eight Apostles left, the ninth having collapsed dramatically in July 2005.


6. What is the driving distance from Melbourne?

*Along Great Ocean Road (Melbourne-Geelong-Angelsea-Lorne) it takes 4-5 hours driving. Along A1 the shortest highway it takes only 3 hours.

*195 miles,,but it's not like driving on an interstate,, it'll probably take about 4 or 5 leisurely hours and it's a beautiful drive

7. How long can it take for you to get there by plane

*You will need to take a Plane to one of Melbournes Airports, then from there you should look at booking a scenic tour or hiring a car and driving it yourself. You could also take an RV or Caravan.

*That no airport U only can take private transport

*Closest Airport to here is Avalon, which is still pretty far.

*No airplane landing. I think there are helicopter tours though.


8. How far is this from Sydney?


*Fly to Melbourne. Then rent a car or book a day tour from Melbourne.

*You may have to fly to Melbourne. It is about one day affair or even over night visit to GOR

*Not sure exact distance but as other contributors have said fly to Melbourne, take one of the many tours offered or hire a car and enjoy at your own pace.

*Around 13 hours drive

*you will need to fly first

*Close to 1100kms This is the shortest route

*Very far from Sydney, it is close to Melbourne city

    澳洲 墨爾本

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