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「空杯子倒不出水」,媽媽要先愛自己,才有能力給予。只是,身為母親,眼前常常看到家人的需求,往往忽略呵護自己。根據美國Suave Motherhood一項3,000名媽媽的調查報告,76%的媽媽肯定愛自己的重要,但80%的媽媽不會撥空呵護自己的需求。

去年起,「Self-care」(愛自己)成了網路媽媽圈的熱門語彙。最近,美國「Thought Catalog」網路雜誌人氣駐站作家威斯特(Brianna Wiest)也以「Self-care不應只是泡海鹽澡和吃巧克力蛋糕」為題發文,引發熱烈的迴響,被部份網友譽為「2017年最棒的文章」。

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肯肯小姐 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. s01e03 Episode Script
The Asset
1x03 - Asset high and low I've traveled far and wide I'd go from the desert tracks to the mountainside I'll bring you this traveling show Big boy, this is little boy.
How'd things go down at the chicken coop? Weigh-station inspector needs to learn some adult words and a bit of hygiene, but he waved us through.
The cargo is secure.
Looks like a clean shot from here.
Roger that.
Little girl will take point on your front door.
See you at the drop stop, Mack.
I'm clear.
Son of a bitch.
- You see that? - Little girl is down.
Repeat, escort two is down.
I know, Sherlock.
What the hell hit us? We need to go to alt two, alt two.
Nothing over our shoulder.
Back door's clear.
Protect the cargo at all costs.
region CT, this is Agent Mack.
We are under attack from an unseen I-don't-know-what.
Agent Mack, advised identify the threat, over.
What in the holy name of S.
region CT oh, hell, I can't explain.
Oh, no! Are we there yet? You know you're late.
I'm tired from the morning's workout.
I thought I was joining S.
, not 24 hour fitness.
It's called relative strength training, starting with the basics.
And next time, you do 15 push-ups for every minute you're late.
Fine, Mr.
Fun machine.
Better than pull-ups.
I don't ever want to do another pull-up again.
You find yourself hanging off the edge of a building 20 stories up, you're gonna want to do at least one.
Stand here.
Jab cross, like this.
You know the hardest part about boxing? Getting punched in the face? - Keeping your hands up.
- Why do I even have to do this? I'm sure Fitz-Simmons' supervising officer didn't make them do this muscle stuff.
You said you wanted to be a field Agent, like Coulson.
Well, if you'd like to switch disciplines Hey, Simmons.
What did your S.
give you guys for morning drills? Oh, atomistic attribute drills.
Yeah, we'd name the mechanical, chemical, thermal - Electrical properties of materials.
- Okay, okay.
They made your point.
There will come a moment when you have to commit to this or bail.
Every field Agent has a defining moment.
Ask Coulson.
When you have to make the hard call to either dedicate yourself to this or to curl up in a ball and run.
How can you run if you're curled up in a ball? It's my job as your S.
to make sure you don't die before then.
Come on.
So what was yours, Agent Ward? - 10 minutes.
- Your defining moment? Come on, tell me.
I want to know.
I could get Coulson to give you some of that truth serum.
You could spill your little heart out to me again.
You mean my level one overshare that miraculously got you to cooperate? I hate to tell you this, rookie, but we don't have a truth serum.
Changing course, briefing in three.
Ah, looks like we're on the move.
616 with new orders.
Set for Colorado air field North.
A few minutes ago, a S.
transport was attacked while carrying a priority red protected asset off route 76 near Sterling.
Priority red? The asset was Canadian physicist Dr.
Franklin Hall, known for his work - Oh, no, not Frank.
- Dr.
Hall? He was our chemical kinetics adviser our second year.
Yeah, he's so enthusiastic about science, we just adored him.
- We can rescue him, can't we? - He's one of ours.
We're gonna try.
- And the attackers? - Invisible.
Wait, invisible? Cool.
But terrible.
Hall was an asset? One of a few select scientists S.
has been protecting, people our enemies would love to get their hands on.
We keep them hidden, keep them on the move.
Which is why Fitz and I were so lucky to have him.
- We don't have him anymore.
- And what does priority red mean? It means security should have been heavy.
It was pretty damn scary, and I don't spook easily, boss.
- Nothing in the air from above? - Nothing over our shoulder, but what's scary is they knew our route.
They were waiting for us.
Are you saying they were working with somebody inside S.
? Sorry to say it had to be.
- Fitz, what am I seeing here? - Well, I'm not wearing the full-spectrum goggles I designed, so no clue.
Let me have a look.
Come on.
No, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait! Don't move.
Wait a second.
What the hell? I think the electro-static field scanner activated something.
Okay, can we deactivate it? Now? - Have to increase the density.
- I tried, Fitz, but Fitz! Whoa.
That did all this.
What is that? Something big.
Either someone cracked our comm system, or Dr.
Hall's movements leaked from inside S.
You really think we have a mole? I think you should go through the communication logs, rule it out.
We'll work the tractor tread that we found on the scene.
I can do that instead of pull-ups.
I can upload an image of the tread pattern, check to see if there's any sort of Already done.
Matched it to a 2010 model.
Found a list of purchasers within a 500-mile radius, narrowed down to those with priors, financial troubles, or propensity for risk-taking.
Three suspects.
Who may have sold their construction equipment to the kidnappers.
We'll ask.
Hey, so, Ward said a funny thing.
He said that you guys don't have a truth serum.
- Did he? Ward said that? - Yeah.
- Interesting.
- Yeah.
Hey, wait hey.
Do you want me to bench press this? Read it.
Every communication out of HQ since they decided to transfer Dr.
Hang in there, Doc.
It's gonna be a while.
- Excuse me.
- Who the hell are you? A concerned citizen who happens to be a member of a giant bureaucratic organization that's tracking your every move.
- I haven't done anything wrong.
- Of course not, but you sold your excavator to some people who did.
And you're hiding out here until things cool down because you know it.
I just want to know who paid you.
Paid me enough not to answer any questions like that.
- Feels like the old west.
- They gave me money for my equipment.
That's all.
I never saw a face.
I never heard a name.
- And how did you receive this money? - They write you a check? Paid you in gold? Now it really feels like the old west.
It looks like this because it's a doré bar.
It means it was made at the mine rather than in a refinery.
It's only about 92% pure.
The cowboy got cheated a bit.
Can you determine the mine based on the impurities? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
We've done that already.
It's from the Dacey mine in Tanzania, - which is owned by - Quinn Worldwide.
I'm sure you studied the C.
in your chemical engineering classes or saw him on the cover of Forbes Ian Quinn.
We can't just pluck it from the ground like a potato.
It needs to be extracted from the ore and enriched.
I know.
You know, tell him this investment paid for that ridiculous yacht of his and that he'll thank me at the shareholders meeting.
- Why is he tied up? - Quinn.
Does he look like a threat? I'm sorry about these guys.
Welcome to Malta, Frank.
You know, it's one thing to steal my ideas, Ian, but stealing me? First of all, I never stole your ideas.
We've always agreed information should be free.
It's amazing how much money you made off free information.
Secondly, think of this as a rescue mission, Frank.
In fact, in a moment, I think you'll be thanking me.
My staff intercepted a communication about the movement of a certain asset, and when I deduced that asset was you, I couldn't pass up on the opportunity.
It's a little out of my comfort zone, sure.
You're not stupid.
- S.
can't come after you here.
- Not just S.
I am now a naturalized citizen of this fair country.
Stunning beaches, beautiful tax laws, and a deep-seated hatred of outside forces telling them what to do.
Sounds like your dating profile.
I moved my entire operation down here.
Bought the old prime minister's estate.
It's not really my style, but it had this huge underground facility, so I figured, hey.
Always been a stubborn bastard.
Now you've finally found a place where the watchdogs can't touch you.
Not without breaking international law.
But more importantly, old friend, they can't touch you.
Recognize the design? We were barely old enough to drink when you sketched the blueprint.
That's just a miniature prototype.
A theoretical machine powered by a theoretical substance.
Frank, you were right.
- You found it? - Gravitonium.
It's an extremely rare high-atomic numbered element.
That powers the device.
It's so extremely rare that most people didn't believe it existed, much less the theory that an isolated positive charge - Would turn the flow from isotropic - Guys, high-school dropout here.
How does the device work again? Well, Gravitonium distorts gravity fields within itself, causing an undulating, amorphous shape.
Which causes these, um wiggly bits here, but when an electric current is applied, the Gravitonium solidifies.
And those gravity fields erupt, randomly changing the rules of gravity around it.
Well, so, now you can imagine what would happen to a big rig at 100 kilometers per hour.
Or, uh, well, you could just remember, 'cause we saw it already, didn't we? Yeah, and guess which genius published every theory about Gravitonium and possible applications years go? - Dr.
Franklin Hall.
- Correct.
And Dr.
Hall attended the University of Cambridge at the same time as Ian Quinn.
Coulson may be off on this.
Quinn is a notoriously good guy.
His charity endowment's something like $8 billion.
Yes, with money made from leeching the earth of its resources.
Looks like he's dug up another.
but, yes, I finally found it.
And now we get to play with it.
Do you remember in all our talks on Orchard Street the part where it's very, very dangerous? Everything powerful is dangerous.
But I'm not gonna convince you with more talk talk of 50% shares, talk of Nobel prizes.
No, not you.
You will just have to see it.
I built a full-size generator, but I need you to tell me how to control the gravity fields.
You can complete your life's work.
I plan to do this with or without you, but I know you.
I know you'd want it done right.
Now's the moment when you thank me.
The man's a prisoner, and it's up to us to get him out.
We've checked the specs.
There's no way into Quinn's compound without a large S.
strike force or a man inside.
He's got neodymium laser fencing surrounding the property.
They'll never allow a strike force into Malta.
Plus, this weekend, Quinn worldwide's got its annual shareholders gathering.
- We're risk global outrage, but - If we go in alone S.
can disavow us, claim ignorance.
Without a man inside, it's impossible, unless you're immune to pulse laser emissions.
- If we had a monkey, we could get in.
- Ugh, Fitz! If we had a small monkey, he could slip through the sensors and disable the fence's power source with his adorable little hands.
- I could go in.
- Drop me in the hills outside of Valletta.
I'll spend a few weeks establishing a cover, gathering intel Hall doesn't have a few weeks.
And to restate, any Agent of S.
caught on Maltese soil can be shot to death with bullets - Yeah.
- Legally.
- Not me.
I could go in.
- Skye, this is serious.
What are you saying? Well, I'm not an Agent of S.
, so I can go in without breaking all these stupid rules.
International laws.
This isn't something the Rising Tide can hack, Skye.
Did you hear the deadly lasers part? Without a brave monkey You said you could go in with a man inside.
And you want to be that man? Fitz-Simmons loved the guy, and he needs help.
They could be torturing him, or worse, making him do strength-training.
But you don't have the background or clearance or experience with any of this.
I know.
But I've got an invitation.
Well, technically, it's an e-vite.
I understand your concern, but we don't have a lot of options.
Hey, I'm impressed.
She just wrangled an invitation on her phone using insider back-channel voodoo in minutes.
But sending her in with no training, you're taking a huge risk.
I know Director Fury felt he owed you after you sacrificed yourself.
And my card collection.
He gave you some autonomy, but Skye on a covert op? Are you worried about her safety or her loyalty? Both.
The Rising Tide is the reason she got an invite.
Who knows how many protocols she violated? That's her job ignore protocol, find connections and back doors that nobody else can see.
Something else is bothering you.
She's holding back, sir.
She says she wants to be an Agent, but she won't commit.
- She doesn't listen, makes jokes.
- Were you hard on her? Sure.
I tried playing nice, too.
I need a new strategy.
Try no strategy.
Stop thinking like an operative, start thinking like a person.
Maybe Skye will let that person help her.
- Help her what? - Help her think like an operative.
Now, again, slowly, what's first? - And then? - Then things are moving too quickly.
I'm a proper southern girl.
You'll make me untidy.
Twist the thumb, palm the barrel.
You're gonna die and leave us hanging out to dry, you know that? - You're going in with no self-defense skills - I have a few tricks up my sleeve.
You need muscle memory, fundamentals, the tools to turn yourself - Into a whole bag of tools? - How did you learn computer science without committing yourself to it? C.
comes naturally to me.
I'm sorry I'm not naturally whatever you are.
You think this came naturally? I had a brother who beat the crap out of me me and my little brother for nothing, for eating a piece of his birthday cake.
I had to learn to protect us the way I am trying to protect you.
That was my moment.
You asked.
I didn't mean to push.
But I did manage to take this.
Getting the gun is one thing.
Pulling the trigger that is another.
Now, again, slowly, what's first? Skye will walk in the front door.
The only external access point to Quinn's underground facility is from a beach cove.
A two-man extraction team could slip in there, but it's not easy.
- Fitz-Simmons.
- The perimeter is surrounded by a 20-foot-high neodymium laser grid.
- Touch it and you're toast.
- Dead toast.
The only way to disable the grid is to crack the system and trigger a reboot.
This would give the team three seconds to cross.
Of course, Quinn's too smart to allow any wireless - access on his property.
- That's where I come in.
Yes, working compact holds up under x-ray.
Desert rose to match your complexion.
But oh, what's this? A readout, okay? Turns green if you're in close enough proximity to a computer to gain wireless access.
When it does, you just drop this nearby and walk out.
We'll do the rest.
Easy as pie.
Or it will be if you stick to the plan.
Got it.
Plan, green, drop, walk pie.
I don't want to question your orders, sir.
But I've already seen far more combat than I bargained for.
This two-man extraction team? It's exactly the kind of action I was hoping to avoid.
That's why you're not on it.
Specialist work is different from field work, believe me.
- When was the last time you - Hall's one of ours, and he's in trouble.
I need two men to get him out.
Ward makes one.
So that's why I'm going in.
You forget I saw plenty of action with the Avengers.
- And you died.
- All right, team, suit up.
Thank you.
Hors d'oeuvre, madame? Who are you? Oh, apologies for his manners.
He knows very little English.
Oh, that, uh, that's what whatever.
- Qasim Zaghlul.
- Big fan.
You built half of Dubai, including the Arabian blade.
I love that building.
It's super sci-fi.
Where's your wife - Wife's name's Nadrah.
- Nadrah? Twin sons.
She staying at home with the boys? How's she doing? - She's good.
- She's good.
The pleasure is mine.
I could get used to this, people.
It's like siri if it worked.
Really, the best thing about your deal is Skipper to Bravo.
I got eyes on top dog.
The Eagle is landing on it.
- What are you doing? - Uh, sorry, I I don't know.
I see Quinn.
I'm gonna go talk to him.
I mean, that and its effect on the industrial average.
That was good.
Ian Quinn.
I'm your last-minute party crasher.
- Skye.
- Oh.
Great to meet you.
Um, this is Skye, a member of the Rising Tide.
They're a group of hackers.
I've gotten some pretty big secrets out to the public.
I prefer "hacktivist.
" I'm glad you've heard of our site.
I read it.
We think very much alike more freedom of information, less government infringing on everyone's rights - I'm a fan.
- That explains the invite.
This is a tough party to get into.
Not as hard to get into as the encrypted back channel you contacted us through to request the invite.
That's sort of where I live.
You've got to show me how you did that - I mean, if you sign on.
- Sign what, now? I've been known to turn a few black hats into white hats, not just for vulnerability analysis, but for very creative thinking.
A-are you offering me a job? Well, I didn't invite you here for your pretty face.
I didn't know you had a pretty face.
Yes, I want to hire you before someone else snatches you up.
That seemed to go well.
It did.
Many of you shareholders have been with us for years, and I see a few new names here, but I want to thank you all for traveling so far to this beautiful country and, well, for slumming it at Shaba Tal-Banar.
This country where we are allowed to pursue progress and profit without the stranglehold of regulations that are now choking our world.
The United States government, the R.
, the DRTC, S.
these are just a few of the institutions that are guilty of halting the development of new technology for anyone except themselves.
We dare defy them with a new idea, they steal in and sweep it out from under us.
But not today.
You're all aware of what Quinn worldwide has been able to do with basic minerals, let alone uranium or plutonium, despite these unjust restrictions that weigh the scales in the other guy's favor.
Well, today, I'm announcing something new an element that could balance those scales, and I mean that quite literally.
Imagine if you could control gravity, if instead of drilling for oil, it rose up to greet you.
Imagine if you could move a super tanker's worth of cargo with a swipe of your hand.
Well, we will do this and more.
This could have been a traumatic experience for Dr.
He may not be the same when we find him, Ward.
I'll talk him down.
We don't want your personality to set him on edge.
Great time for humor, sir.
My people skills are the least of our problems if Skye can't get us in.
- It's locked, but there's no lock.
- Eh, check for a keypad.
What, you can hack a keypad? - No, not over the phone.
- Is there a reception desk? Okay, yeah.
Well, now what do I do? What are you trying to do? Just looking for a pen.
Here we go.
Got to write down all those good ideas, you know what I mean? Of course you know what I mean.
Probably have like What are you really doing? All right.
I'm busted.
I was trying to get a glimpse behind your office doors, see how things really operate.
I invite you here as a guest, you treat me like another corrupt institution, looking for trade secrets to leak online.
- Security.
- No, no, no, wait.
It's just, with all these la-di-da people, you have to be so guarded, so careful What you say, what secrets you reveal.
And I was hoping that you and I could be honest with one another.
If you know what I mean.
Wow, that's a less space, more wheels.
- Wow, a view of the ocean and the pool.
- Not a bad place to do business.
Got the e spatch leaking Hall's location.
User's an alias.
Oh, can you trace the DHCP server Trace is running, but it'll take time.
Our girl? I thought she was done for, but she's just sweet-talked - her way into Quinn's office.
- How'd she manage that? - Pbht! - She probably just used her, um uhuh her, uh ah, boobs.
That's the only explana Oh my gosh.
It seems it goes Dead! Fitz! - What I didn't.
She must've - Oh, lord.
Much better.
Haven't felt that "someone's watching my every move" feeling since I failed my driver's test.
You want to tell me what the hell's going on? - S.
got to you? - They picked me up in L.
, I helped them in a crisis, and now they want to recruit me.
Of course they did.
So I played along.
Talk about inside info I have a bunk on their plane.
I've been gathering intel, biding my time until I could become useful.
I thought this qualified.
Why would they trust you with a covert operation like this? Something about S.
not breaking international laws.
They had no other options, whereas I like to keep mine open.
Next patrol any minute now.
Skye's offline.
Repeat, we've lost audio and vitals.
Abort is not an option, but if she's compromising She's still our only way in to get to Dr.
And we're their only way out.
Beach is all clear.
Let's move up the ridge.
You're saying they wanted to rope me in because I pose a genuine threat.
- Yes, and fit their profile.
- Profile.
You're a criminal.
You have a warrant somewhere.
- Probably.
- Specialized skill set.
- I try to stay humble but fail.
- No family.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to hit a nerve, but that is what these people do.
they prey on fear and loneliness and desperation, and then they offer a home to those who have no one else to turn to.
I can offer you something better.
A little rusty, I guess.
Guys, clock's ticking.
Where's Skye? You stay with us, there's no secrets, no lies, and no agenda.
You're free to do what you do without big brother watching over you.
But first, you have to tell me exactly what agenda S.
sent you in here with.
Well, they wanted me to do whatever it takes to get in here.
Get in here and? Bat my eyes.
Get you talking.
- We're in! - She's done it! - Fitz, you're up.
- Oh, mother of all things.
Move, move, move! Uh We have a man down.
Hostiles on the east ridge! Aah! We need a reset here, Fitz! Fitz! Saying his name repeatedly does not increase productivity! - Okay, go! - Oh, maybe it does.
System rebooting in two, one, now! - I'll look for Dr.
Hall down in the lab.
- I'll get Skye.
No, you can't be the only angle.
's thorough enough to know about me and my exploits.
It takes more than a pretty face to disarm me.
Sir, we have a security breach.
Oh, the timing on that was perfect.
Agent Coulson.
We have an exit strategy.
- S.
? - Yes, sir.
- Let's get you out of here.
- I'm sorry, Mr.
- I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
- I'll be honest, our strategy did not take into consideration you saying that.
Oh, no.
Look, I don't know what Quinn is promising you, but An opportunity.
We can't let Quinn have control of this.
It's too dangerous.
We can't let anyone have control of this.
That's why I'm here To bury it at the bottom of the ocean, with him.
The leak came from Dr.
Yeah, I'm getting that.
All petitions, embargoes in the world couldn't stop Ian.
He grows more powerful every day.
And then I get word he's found this.
I'm sorry, Mr.
I had to make a choice.
Something tells me that wasn't the "off" button! - Guys, we need to talk.
- Lost you for a minute.
- We're aware of the problem, sir.
- Hall wanted Quinn to kidnap him? - Yeah, why would he do that? - What is wrong with him? Quinn built a gravity generator, like the one we found but bigger.
Hall knew Quinn would need him to control its raw power, but Hall just wanted to unleash it.
The one we found was 2.
5 centimeters in diameter.
It stopped a semi.
How big are we talking? take down the entire compound.
- It'll sink the place.
- No, it'll do more than that.
Work a solution.
I'll disconnect the power before things get crazy.
They can't help you.
Soon, it'll reach an exponential acceleration state.
I'm sorry.
- My team's here good people.
- Sworn to protect all mankind? That's what I'm doing, I promise making things right.
Don't you get it? S.
's against everything you stand for.
- They're big brother.
- Maybe, but they're the nice big brother who stands up for his helpless little brother when he's getting beat up because he ate a piece of cake that he wasn't you know, you kidnapped a person! I set him free! I saved him! - And I could've saved you.
- This place is massive.
- Where am I heading? - Southwest corner.
Ward, tell me you've got things covered on the ground.
I can't do a damn thing from out here.
I'm working on it.
Tell me what they're doing! Tell me what they're doing.
You have to talk.
You have no other way out of this.
You're expendable to S.
they sent you in here with nothing.
Ah! - They taught me a few things.
- Kid's got balls.
Thanks, but yuck.
But do you have what it takes to pull the trigger? Nope.
Get her.
We have to evacuate.
Get the chopper.
Now! All I had to do to get access to Quinn's lab was drop little clues, create a puzzle for him to solve.
- Quinn likes to feel smart.
- So you leaked your location.
- Why not try reasoning with him? - You can't reason with an addict, and he's addicted to exploiting opportunities.
He never gives a thought to the friends, ecosystems, future generations left ruined in his wake.
Like Agents Fitz and Simmons, your former students? I've got them in my ear right now, telling me you're not a bad guy.
We could've worked with you on this.
? S.
is just as guilty of the same thing! Experimentation without thought of consequence! Your search for an unlimited power source - brought an alien invasion.
- Fair point.
T-this element is far too powerful for you, for him, for anyone! I don't have to tell you that.
You're feeling it now.
- Get her! - Come here No, no.
No, no! Please, please! Are you hurt? Just follow my orders.
I'll get us out of here.
I see the future, Mr.
Coulson, and it's a catastrophe.
I just see a lot of people in trouble.
Fitz-Simmons? I tried to cut the power.
It's still going.
- Find a catalyst.
- You need to find a catalyst.
Something to create a chemical reaction in the core.
It's not too late to do the right thing.
Help me find a catalyst I am doing the right thing a completely selfless act.
I know that history never celebrates what didn't happen.
They'll call this a-a tragedy.
They won't understand the good I did here.
- Killing innocent people? - Saving millions.
We have to live with the choices we make, but sometimes we have to die with them, too.
I understand.
- You made a hard call.
- Yes.
And now I have to make mine.
- Say it back to me.
- Deepest level of the fridge, unmarked vault, no access granted.
And no recorded entry.
I don't want it listed.
I don't want it flagged for the slingshot.
Anyone finds out, you're responsible and suffering.
- Understood? - Yes, sir.
That's what Hall would've wanted.
Used to have this down.
- Should be just muscle memory.
- You're making a habit of it, sir.
Guess I'm a little rusty.
Of these close calls, I mean.
I don't enjoy running back end.
You want off the plane? Go ahead.
I want in.
Reporting for combat next time it's up.
You committed to the cause or just watching my back? Same thing.
And you are a little rusty.
You and your brothers where'd you grow up? Massachusetts, mostly.
- A house? - You didn't? One house.
The Brodys.
I was 9.
Sent me back to St.
Agnes after a month.
- Said I wasn't a good fit.
- Foster parents.
- Your first? - My third.
I had heard it before, but this one was different.
'Cause you wanted them to like you.
I called her "mom" once tried it out.
Guess it wasn't a good fit.
Hoping for something and losing it hurts more than never hoping for anything.
- We won't turn our back.
- Doesn't matter.
I made my choice.
I want this.
- And I know there's a truth serum.
- Whatever you say, Rookie.
Marvel's "Agents of S.
" will return in a moment.

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. s01e02 Episode Script
6-1-6, you have course confirmation.
You are cleared direct to the Slingshot.
Agent Coulson, everything all right up there? We heard you had a little dustup on the ground.
Yeah, we're all good.
It's gonna be blue skies from here on out.
Aah! Aaaaah! Coulson! Hang on! Hey, no joy rides, okay? That's my house.
Where do they think of this stuff? Skye? Girl's not qualified to be a S.
That's why I've invited her on as a consultant.
does it all the time.
Technically, Stark's a consultant.
And technically, Skye's a member of the Rising Tide.
She hacked our RSA implementation -- Twice.
From a laptop.
Imagine what she'll do with our resources.
I am.
That's exactly what I'm imagining during this frown.
You brought me on for risk assessment.
She's a risk.
She doesn't think like us.
Oh, Agent Coulson told us the news.
What a wonderful surprise.
Isn't it, Fitz? Yeah.
No, it's wonderful.
Yeah, a surprise.
You must be very excited.
Yep, first day of school.
Okay, so just -- sorry.
We have two kids on this bus who aren't cleared for combat.
You're adding a third.
At least Fitz-Simmons are trained S.
But Skye? You said this was a select team.
Assembled to work new cases, to protect people.
I don't see how letting some hacker tag along -- I'm looking for an objection I haven't already anticipated.
I'm calling this.
But your frown will be on record.
We've been called in to investigate an 0-8-4.
We all know what that means.
Yes, we do.
It means we don't know what that means.
Officially, it's an airborne mobile command station.
But we call it the bus.
We find it best to use shorthand when in the field.
But everything has to be just so, you know, because of the danger.
Yeah, I've been up here before, but I didn't see much because of the bag that Agent Ward put over my head.
Yes, so sorry about that.
Water? Wheels up in two.
Lock it or lose it.
What's that mean? No backing out now.
Let's find a bunk for our guest.
Oh, oh, yeah, there's only one left, and it's right next to mine.
You can Hey.
I know we didn't really -- Might want to read that.
This isn't like other planes.
You can say that again.
Say what again? Sweet ride.
I earned a little goodwill from Director Fury when I got hit right before the battle of New York.
You took a bullet? Ish.
An Asgardian stabbed me through the heart with a Chitauri scepter.
The effect was similar.
Got a few weeks' R&R and this plane.
Had it completely refurbished.
Studs up -- spared no expense.
Yeah, Agent Ward told me they sent you to Tahiti.
It's a magical place.
You mentioned that.
Use a coaster.
Buckle up.
I don't even know where we're going.
That's where the 0-8-4 was reported.
And an 0-8-4 is? An object of unknown origin.
Kind of like you.
Team goes in, determines if it's useful or if it poses a threat.
Last one turned out to be pretty interesting.
And what was the last one? A hammer.
Tire tracks 40 meters back.
I'll check them against the site's trucks -- make sure we're alone.
Too much exposure here.
I'm gonna find a place to park.
I would love to see a capuchin in the wild.
Maybe even a yellow-tailed woolly monkey.
You know, um, Peru has Yeah, and close to 200 species of snakes.
The shushupe has a fascinating ven-- venom.
It's neurotoxic, proteolytic, and hemolytic.
That's fascinating.
No, I'd be much more concerned with earthquakes, mala-- Ah.
There's no vaccine for dengue fever.
Oh, look at this.
We should warn the people who live around here if the 0-8-4 is dangerous.
They're already dealing with anti-mining rebels and the shining path guerillas.
I could post something.
Remember the panic when that anti-matter meteor splashed down just off the coast of Miami, nearly devoured the city? No.
Because we kept it quiet and contained.
So, what am I doing? Well, if it gets out, I might need you to create some kind of diversion, put the public on the wrong scent.
So everything that I'm against.
Good morning, Professor.
I'm Agent Coulson with S.
I understand you've made an interesting discovery.
I-I'm not sure how to explain it.
This temple dates back at least 500 years.
It's filled with pre-Incan artifacts.
One of them is impossible and looks like it might be dangerous.
Well, that's why we're here.
Watch out.
Exactly as we found it.
Who else knows about this? Just the ministry.
I believe they are the ones who contacted you.
Sir, I need you and your team to evacuate the site until we determine the risk associated with this object.
Leave the man alone.
Now -- for your own safety.
Nothing about this anywhere.
It's amazing.
I searched every data stream.
What do you got here, guys? Whoa, car-- uh, careful.
I-I -- no, wouldn't do that.
The object's placement in fossiliferous rock formations suggests it's been here for at least 1,500 years.
That pre-dates this temple by a millennium.
Ah! Maybe it's alien.
Yeah, but the shape and the craftsmanship -- it's almost German.
Tires match the prof's truck.
Where's your sidearm? If I need a gun, I'll take one.
Forgot I was working with "the cavalry.
" Don't ever call me that.
I've heard the stories -- what went down in in Bahrain, about you in action.
You know, it was smart of Coulson to pull you out of retirement.
It's nice to have a trusted friend who has your back.
Should have taken more guns.
Sir? Go.
We have a situation.
Lots of rebels in this area.
Not enough gunfire.
Keep working.
I'm on my way.
Buenos dias.
Soy Agente Coulson estamos aquí por un astoto de la seguridad internacional.
Phillip? Camilla? Do you mind? After you.
And now for a proper hello.
Comandante -- a promotion.
Three years ago.
But thank you.
Agent Melinda May, Agent Grant Ward, this is comandante Camilla Reyes.
She's with the Policía Militar del Perú.
We used to work together back in the day.
Let the team know everything's okay.
I know you've found a strange object on Peruvian soil.
We should have a conversation about how to proceed.
Of course.
But an 0-8-4 supercedes all national claims.
You look good.
Yeah, I work out.
Come, let me show you something.
Are you seeing this? It's alive.
Wha-- alive alive? It has a functioning power source.
Sleepy's reading radionuclides, but they don't match any known isotope.
I get temporal matches, but even then, they seem to shift.
Is that even possible? Depends on the shifting of the temporal radio stuff, so it's totally weird, right? I'm gonna go check on Coulson.
We've got company.
National police.
What? Why are they here? They heard about this object.
They're probably here to protect it.
This area has lots of rebel uprisings.
Yeah, people are fighting back against the government's mining policies.
It's pretty kick-ass.
Yeah, it's kick-ass, all the violence.
That's not what I'm saying.
No, it's what you're typing.
In your van, alone -- where it's safe.
How much longer? What's the hurry? Are we in danger? Not if everyone does their job.
What is yours, exactly? The cacao is from a secret valley in Peru.
Very special.
The best chocolate in the world.
Could use some sugar.
You know me, Camilla.
I'm a pretty simple guy.
There was nothing simple about your last mission here.
I had some great help.
There isn't any chance we get to keep the device, is there? It's not mine to give, but I'm sure we can find a way to resolve this respectfully in a way that gives your coun-- Rebels.
Stay close.
On my six.
Let's go.
They're coming for it.
Let's move! No.
No, no, no, no, no.
It doesn't matter.
It does to me! Please, let us do this.
We need a containment case for the 0-8-4.
There's no time.
But it has a fluctuating power core -- frequencies way above Sorry.
Science class is over.
Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait.
You did not just pull that out of the wall.
What is the matter with you?! Do you realize we do not know the amount of photon emissions coming out of this -- okay.
We don't know what will happen if it gets excited.
- Stay close.
- Fitz! Come on! Come one! Your men need to fall back now, or we'll never make the runway.
Now -- your truck.
Let's go! Get back! Tell your men to get down.
Watch out! Get in! Get in! Move! Now! Yes.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
After you.
After you.
Coulson's secure in PMP's truck.
Take the south route to the airfield.
Slow down! You're joking, right? Ward, listen! We have to be careful.
There's a binding energy structure that could overheat.
I could roll down a window! Aah! Do not roll down a window! Stay quiet and keep your heads down.
Head left.
The ravine empties.
But, Ward! Quiet! How fast can you have the wheels up? Fast.
Ramp! On it.
What are you doing?! Coulson is still out there! Get off the ramp.
You're in the line of fire.
Cut it pretty close, sir.
Didn't want to leave anyone behind.
I got to say it.
I miss my van.
Now, what was the problem? As I said before, this device has a high-frequency, fluctuating, sub-material compression -- Fitz, in English.
The 0-8-4 is fueled by tesseract technology.
World War II.
Captain America.
It's full of lethal amounts of gamma radiation.
Gamma -- you're saying it's nuclear? No.
He's saying it's much, much worse.
And the 0-8-4 is in your possession? It's on board and contains a tesseract fuel cell, sothere's that.
You are a go for check-in guidance through restricted airspace.
Safe travels.
Top speed's a priority, May.
I know you didn't want to see combat.
I apologize for that.
Do you need anything else before I go check on the device fueled by evil that's sitting in our cargo hold? This was fun.
Not to worry.
The device is stable.
Not that it couldn't explode at any minute, especially if hit with machine-gun fire.
But things like this happen from time to time when in the field, and at first, it's very unpleasant, and you regret your decision to leave the lab at all.
Are you mental? I did explain in great detail exactly what I meant, using the queen's bloody English! I use normal English -- words like "duck" and "run" and "might blow us to pieces.
" Oh.
Oh! Well, congratulations, Agent Ward.
You managed to string three words together in a sentence.
Is everyone all right? Banged up but alive.
Thank you for the extraction.
But we lost a lot of men.
We'll make sure the rest of you get home safe.
Are we safe? On a plane with that? There's a PMP airfield in Iquitos.
It's a short distance -- We'll burn as fast as we can for a S.
containment facility.
There's no safer place for us to go.
Sir, if I may? You got anything to drink around here? Upstairs.
I think you'll find it quite comfortable up there.
I expect the grand tour.
I know you do.
I'm trying to tell you -- Don't understand anything you are saying! Do we have a problem in here? No, sir.
Just working on our communication.
Not everyone was prepared for a firefight.
We got out, didn't lose anyone, saved a few of theirs -- I'd say we did all right.
Anything else? Uh, yeah.
I have a small question.
Because I've been feeling like the tagalong hayseed rookie, but now I get the sense that Ward doesn't know which one's Simmons and which one's Fitz, and they've seen even less gunfire than me, and I'm no rocket scientist, but is this your first mission together? No.
Of course not.
It's our second.
I was your first? That's sweet.
You're amused? I'm terrified.
I am in way over my head, but I have been on this team just as long as any of you.
I might as well be team captain.
I was joking, but maybe that's not a bad idea, because these guys do not like each other much.
This isn't about that.
I'm a specialist.
Today, I could have eliminated the enemy threat myself if I was working alone, but I had non-combat-ready agents -- Whoa, whoa.
You work alone? So typical.
Who do you think designs your equipment? Or the polymers for your weaponry.
- People like us do it.
- Try going into the field with just your bare bum.
See them proving the point I just made? You're not wrong.
We still need to iron out the kinks.
But, Ward, you can speak six languages.
Simmons, you have two PhDs in fields I can't pronounce, and, Fitz, you are a rocket scientist.
So work it out.
I-I'm -- I'm good at stuff, too.
So, should we work or just continue to -- I'm saying I said there would come a moment when we would regret the decision to go in the field.
I didn't think that would happen in week one.
Oh, God.
This seam in the sedimentary layers suggests some sort of molten cave-in a few decades back.
Yeah, well, this here -- it's optical amplification.
Now, I think -- well, I'm most likely dead-on -- that the tesseratic energy excites plasma with an inverse population of energy levels.
A laser.
A ray ofpure energy -- two terajoules.
See the ampliphier? We're lucky the drones didn't trigger it while we were taking electromagnetic readings.
This is a weapon, powerful enough to -- Enough to melt through 50 feet of solid rock to bury itself.
Imagine what it could do to a person.
Yeah, or an airplane.
For example.
"Hunger Games"? "Matterhorn.
" One of a hundred books my S.
gave me that I'm just getting around to.
-- supervising officer.
Got it.
Hackers have lingo, too, but I'll pick yours up.
I feel like you and me -- wrong foot.
Can Ibuy you a drink? What I said before -- when I said the uprising was -- whatever I said -- a good thing.
I don't want you to think I'm oblivious.
What I was talking about was the tweets.
You trying to make things better or worse? Peruvians have organized for the first time in decades.
Thousands of suffering people who have never met uniting over a common idea? It's mind-blowing.
And I don't want to bring it up because I don't want to see your hate face, butthat's what the Rising Tide is all about.
Usually, one person doesn't have the solution.
But 100 people with 1% of the solution -- that'll get it done.
I think that's beautiful -- pieces solving a puzzle.
You and I see the world differently is all.
I've never been in a war zone during a war until today.
That was crazy.
I take it you've seen that a lot? Wh-- did you get shot? Skin deep.
Nothing to worry about.
You got shot.
Did that happen protecting us? Said don't worry about it.
Well, no wonder you were so pissed.
I wasn't pissed.
I was trained to be the whole solution -- to eliminate variables.
And today, they keep adding up.
We're turning.
We've entered restricted airspace, so we have to follow certain flight paths -- regulation.
This plane is capable of fully automated flight, but May has to be on the stick herself tonight.
You've got an S.
May's got to be on the stick.
Lots of good lingo on this plane.
We just can't seem to understand each other.
First walkie-talkie wristwatch -- They only made 20, I think.
Still works.
I forgot you're such a sentimentalist, Phillip.
Romanticizing history.
Yeah, most of it's glued down.
There was an elegance to things back then.
There we agree.
With everything around us changing so quickly, it doesn't hurt to have a few touchstones to the past.
Reminds me what's important.
The last thing I want to do is relive days gone by.
A few nights, maybe.
I see what you're doing.
I'm reminiscing.
This plane is such a step up from the R.
we used to work out of when you were stationed in Cusco.
I don't remember much working.
I also don't remember you being this direct.
Skye, hand me the bottle.
Okay, Turbo, but you're still nursing the one you got.
I'm not the only one.
We're stuck above the clouds for the next few hours.
We might as well enjoy ourselves.
We could make a few more memories to add to your collection.
What do you think? I think Ward already knows you'll have to eliminate May from the equation to have a chance which gives him about 20 seconds to get to her first.
Aah! We were allies.
We had history.
When did you decide to throw that away? As soon as I saw your team.
The reason I'm still alive is because you need me to verify the change of routes for your pilot when H.
calls in any minute now.
I'd appreciate that.
But if I don't, S.
will shoot this aircraft out of the sky.
That'll take the 0-8-4 out of your hands.
Maybe I should let them.
Oh, no, I think you'll make the calls.
You already handed me your plane for the life of one of your little lab rats.
If I open the cargo hold, you'll lose them all.
And you are such a sentimentalist.
This is my fault.
Should have learned kung fu.
Oh, yeah, but I shouldn't have pushed you into the field in the first place.
You weren't ready.
It was my job to make a proper threat assessment.
Uh, we -- We weren't ready.
This wouldn't have happened if Agent May wasn't on the stick.
She would have busted out some of her ninja know-how.
Agent May? No.
No, no.
She transferred from administration.
Well, I've seen her destroy a guy, so You've heard of the cavalry? Yeah.
Wh-- everyone at the academy talks about st-- She's the cavalry? I told you never to call me that.
I can't believe it.
Oh, we're sure to get out of here now.
Um, how do we get out of here? Can't go through the doors.
They're bolted, tied to the pressurization lines.
You two geniuses have nothing? Yeah, well, it's hard to concentrate in these intense situations.
Don't freeze up.
Take a breath.
You don't need to come up with the whole solution.
Just part of it.
Right? Yeah.
Pieces solving a puzzle.
You knew this was a weapon all along.
But you got to it first.
I had to play nice.
Yes, Coulson.
For once, I'm actually ahead of you.
My country commissioned that weapon decades ago.
After the fall of Hydra, many scientists followed their Nazi friends to hide on this side of the world.
German engineering.
The weapon was lost during a clash in the jungle until today.
With it, we'll end the rebel uprising and finally stabilize my country.
You mean rule your country.
You stay in your borders.
I'll stay in mine.
Those borders are disappearing.
Aliens descended on New York, remember? They don't care whose colors you wear.
They just care who's in the way.
We should be working together, not fighting.
Well, that's clearly the worst idea we've heard yet.
But it could work.
Reyes is gonna kill us the minute we land, regardless, and blame it on rebels.
This way, we have a fighting chance.
I'll take it.
What's first? We can't get upstairs without going in the lab.
And the only way to release the lab doors is from upstairs.
The first thing is, we're tied to the cargo door, so unless you can -- What the hell was that? Her wrist.
Aah! What's next? Was it 11 years ago, now? You swooped in with S.
with so much confidence, so much mystery.
You had 100 men at your disposal.
And now -- A hand-picked team.
And, yes, they're that good.
Oh, Phil.
You're not even aware.
Your renewed idealism, your collectibles, your airborne man cave, surrounding yourself with young, attractive agents -- you're having a mid-life crisis.
More an afterlife thing, really.
And I'm not going to even mention the red Corvette.
Her name's Lola.
Of course it is.
It's textbook.
You built this team so you could feel relevant, to feel needed.
They don't need me.
They need time.
Well, time is not on their side.
No, but you gave them something better -- a common enemy.
Okay, we're sure, right? Everyone's sure? We're all on board.
Yeah, let's do this fast.
No turning back.
No freezing up.
Because if we do, then All of us die.
We know.
All right.
You guys talk a lot.
No, no, no! S.
6-1-6, we have radar contact.
Requesting confirmation on a change in course.
Answer it, or they all learn what a 30,000-foot drop feels like.
Agent Coulson, are you there? You have course confirmation.
You are cleared direct to the Slingshot.
Agent Coulson? Everything all right up there? We heard you had a little dustup on the ground.
Yeah, we're all good.
It's gonna be blue skies from here on out.
Simmons, forget what I said before.
This is the moment that we'll regret.
Aah! Aaaaah! It worked.
The drop in cabin pressure released the doors.
I'll take care of the soldiers.
You guys get to the 0-8-4.
And Coulson? Let's hope he can handle himself.
Aah! Aah! Get back! Go now! Find the 0-8-4! Help! Coulson! Got you! Camilla! Hold on! It's okay.
I've got it! Fitz! Reel us back in! I've got you! We need your help! Trust me! Don't want you to know what a 30,000-foot drop feels like.
Aah! Cut him loose! Sorry! Sorry! Hold on! Aah! I read the safety pamphlet.
I think you might be the first.
No other way in, huh? Was just starting to warm up to this place.
The 0-8-4 is cooling and stable.
But we should call H.
and get it to the Slingshot as soon as possible.
Told you they were good.
Not a scratch.
But your plane's totaled.
I hope S.
insurance covers hijackings.
Under "incidentals.
" What exactly am I signing up for? Like I said -- front-row seat to the craziest show on earth.
Yeah, but I didn't expect the show to get this crazy this fast all for an object you're just gonna destroy.
Slingshot is protocol.
A weapon like the 0-8-4 is too dangerous for any person or country to have.
People like Reyes would always be after it.
What happened with Reyes, anyway? She's being held at a S.
detainment facility.
I expect the Peruvian government will negotiate for her release.
She probably won't spend much time in jail.
No, I mean what happened with you and Reyes? You guys totally did it back in the day, right? That's classified.
Looks like Skye might end up as more than just a consultant, despite our reservations.
She could turn into a solid asset with some serious work.
Well, if she wants to be a field agent, she'll need a supervising officer -- someone disciplined, someone good.
All right.
I'll do it.
Just to clarify, you were, uh, talking about me, right? We blew up a plane.
I had a new experience.
Eat that, Professor Vaughn.
You had a new experience.
But it was new for all of us.
They're happy.
Hey, come on.
You guys don't want to miss this.
So, it'll take about 180 days to reach the sun.
Now, yes, of course, it would have been faster if they'd used hydrogen-fueled APUs, but they're having fun.
How many of those have you guys had? Sk-- Skye.
It's important when in the field to unwind from time to time.
Yeah, yeah, especially after a hard day of everyone almost dying.
Which doesn't happen every day, right? It's an anomaly -- an irregularity.
Notthe norm.
Speaking of "not the norm," whose idea was it to blow a hole in the plane? May said that the doors were tied to the pressurization, so I thought -- So we thought it was the only way to release them.
It was everyone's idea, sir.
Yes, quite genius, really.
Nice work.
All clear for liftoff.
Oh, time for blastoff.
Launching In three two The trajectory will take it beyond the Lagrange point so that it doesn't hit Herschel.
And there haven't been any coronal mass ejections, so it shouldn't lose telemetry.
Guys, English.
_ Really? Really, Coulson? Six days? It only took you six days to take a completely renovated piece of state-of-the-art machinery and turn it into scrap?! My team acted with my authority.
Don't talk to me about authority.
Do you know how much this plane cost? It's got a bar.
A really nice one.
Talking to me about authority.
You know, I have the authority to downgrade your ass to a Winnebago.
I'm aware of that, sir.
Well, I want it fixed just like you found it.
So don't have Fitz-Simmons going making modifications, like a-a-a-a damn fish tank.
Yes, sir.
And the new girl -- she's a risk.
I know, sir.
You know, sir? How's Lola? She's fine, sir.
Thanks for asking.
Talking to me about authority.
Yeah, we're gonna have to kill the fish tank.

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. s01e01 Episode Script



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葵花籽油 Sunflower Seed Oil



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其含豐富的維他命,包括維他命A、D、K、PP,特別是維他命E 。一般認為腰果能減輕腎臟疾病,對關節炎和風濕痛也有幫助。也能用於缺乏膠原或連接組織相關的疾病。腰果油常被作為用來鎮定麻瘋病和牛皮癬、治療水泡、疣的基底油。其豐富的維他命E對氧化有著自然的抵抗力來防止肌膚老化。腰果油呈橘黃色,和乳霜混合時會改變乳霜的顏色。

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(硬油) 椰子油 Coconut oil ココナッツ オイル for Naoh:0.19     INS:258


椰子油得自乾椰子肉(Copra),來自椰子(Cocos nucifera)。新鮮椰肉亦可使用。這是一種淡黃色或無色非乾式油,於攝氏20℃以下會呈現固狀。具有椰子特殊芬芳,為白色或淡黃色豬脂狀半固體,不溶於水,可溶於乙醚、苯、二硫化碳,極易於空氣中被氧化。

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黑醋栗籽油 :


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黑種草油 :


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開心果油 Pistachio Nut Oil


開心果(Pistachio Nut)也稱"萬壽果", 因其核果似心形, 且會裂開, 而得此名.

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紫蘇又名蘇子、蘇麻,系唇形科一年生植物,中國有悠久的種植歷史,它是衛生部首批頒布的既是食品又是藥品的60種物品之一。野生紫蘇籽含油46~50%。紫蘇油含α-亞麻酸達50~63%,比亞麻油中α-亞麻酸還要高。生物化學證明α-亞麻酸進入人體後,在酵素的作用下,依次生成EPADPADHA,由於上述生化過程是不可逆的,因此魚油對人體的功能,α-亞麻酸不但都具有,而且更豐富、更全面。由於α-亞麻酸的抗氧化性比EPADHA好,植物油脂不含膽固醇,植物油脂的清香又彌補魚油腥味的不足 ,醫學界認為紫蘇油製劑是魚油製劑的更新換代產品。

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棕櫚油 Palm Oil  パーム for Naoh:141       INS:145


棕櫚油(Palm oil)是從油棕樹上的棕果(Elaeis Guineensis)中榨取出來的,主要來源是非洲油料棕櫚,它原產於熱帶非洲,亦產於中美洲、馬來西亞及印度尼西亞等地。其主要產地為馬來西亞,該國棕櫚油的產量佔世界產量的60%。棕櫚果由外果皮、中果皮(成熟的中果皮又稱果肉)、內果皮和果核仁組成。

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